W Debianie 10 wprowadzili małą zmianę w poleceniu su która polega na dostarczeniu (lub nie) zmiennych dotyczących m. in. dostępu do programów tylko dla root'a. Traf chciał że odkryłem to dopiero po 4 latach na Debianie 12 (wcześniej korzystałem przez kilka lat z Ubuntu LTS). Owa zmiana objawiała się jak na zrzucie:
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Na wiki Debiana jest taki wpis, w którym napisane jest:
The su command in buster is provided by the util-linux source package, instead of the shadow source package, and no longer alters the PATH variable by default. This means that after doing su, your PATH may not contain directories like /sbin, and many system administration commands will fail. There are several workarounds:
Use su - instead; this launches a login shell, which forces PATH to be changed, but also changes everything else including the working directory.
Use sudo instead. sudo still runs commands with an altered PATH variable.
To get a regular root shell with the correct PATH, you may use sudo -s.
To get a login shell as root (equivalent to su -), you may use sudo -i.
Put ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes in /etc/default/su (create it) to get an approximation of the old behavior. This is documented in su(1).
Put the system administration directories (/sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/sbin) in your regular account's PATH (see EnvironmentVariables for help with this).
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